What to Expect At Your iMRS Session

What to wear: Dress in comfortable attire for your iMRS session. 

What to drink: Please come to your appointment hydrated. 

What to eat: Choose alkalizing foods for your meals on the day of your sessions, such as vegetables, dark leafy greens, fruit, seeds, and avocados. 

What to expect: The iMRS sends pulsing electromagnetic fields (PEMF) through the body. These vibrational frequencies are transmitted as purposeful information to unhealthy cells whose function has been stressed and disturbed. PEMFs are hard to perceive, but what you will feel over time are the many benefits. Here are some sensations you may experience during your session: 

  • Nothing, especially during your first treatment

  • A pleasant sense of warmth 

  • Tingling or pulsing sensations

  • Sense of wellness and relaxation, even sleep 

  • Loosening of muscle tension

  • Pain relief

  • Increased energy after the session

 A Note on Detoxification

Clients can experience a healing response when doing detoxification therapies. Healing responses are called Herxheimer reactions (increased sensitivity of injured area due to increase in circulation, skin reactions, headaches, fatigue, etc.) which are signs of detoxification or healing that may occur hours up to days after an iMRS session. This is a normal sign that occurs when the body releases toxins as it heals. Excessive reactions may indicate that the body needs further support in detoxification and healing.