What to Expect At Your Infrared Sauna Session

What to wear: Prepare to dress down to your undergarments. It is recommended only to wear cotton during a sauna.  

What to drink: Please come to your appointment hydrated. 

What to eat: It is best to do a sauna on an empty stomach or have your last meal two hours before allowing for digestion. 

What to bring: Bring a new change of undergarments to dress in after your appointment. All towels will be provided along with personal body wipes to freshen up after the sauna. Showers are not provided at our facility. 

What to expect: Detoxification occurs in an infrared sauna between 120-170 degrees Fahrenheit. We will heat your sauna to 150-170 degrees unless it is communicated to us that you would like a lower temperature.

A Note on Detoxification

Sweating will increase with regular use of an infrared sauna as the body becomes accustomed to detoxification; you may not sweat during the first couple of treatments. Herxheimer reactions (skin rashes, itchiness, headaches, fatigue, etc.) are signs of detoxification that may occur hours or days after an Infrared Sauna session. This is a normal sign of healing that occurs when the body releases toxins as it heals. Excessive reactions may indicate that the body needs further support in detoxification.