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Make Your Own Herbal Beauty Products

Herbs have been used for beauty for thousands of years in cultures all over the world. There’s a common misconception that beauty comes from great genetics, expensive products, costly treatments, and going under the knife. However, there’s another way that’s much easier, safer, and more cost-effective: using herbs! Just as herbs are from the dust of the ground, so are we! It makes sense that the most beneficial and healing things we can put on our bodies would come from the ground.

 Benefits of Using Herbs Topically:

  1. Faster healing and recovery from wounds, burns, breaks, and other bodily injuries.

  2. Much-needed nutrients can be absorbed not only through digestion but topically as well.

  3. Skin is living, so it makes sense to take care of it not only from the inside but directly on its surface to bring nourishment, hydration, restoration, and repair.

  4. The skin absorbs whatever is put on topically into the bloodstream in 26 seconds. Imagine if you were to put powerful herbs on your skin daily!

  5. Our skin is made up of mostly minerals and proteins. Many herbs are high in minerals as well as proteins. These will help strengthen skin that has lost nutrients and structure.

  6. Aging is not always kind to everyone, but you can help reverse it using restorative herbs that are packed full of life.

  7. Unlike over-the-counter creams and treatments, herbal skin care is extremely safe for anyone to use. Unless someone is having a detox reaction or has a food allergy, herbs are some of the safest things you can put on your skin.

  8. Not only will they not harm you or put toxins in your body, but they actually bring healing and restoration too.

  9. They are safe for people of all ages and with all types of skin.

Ways to Use Herbs for Beauty:

Cleansing Oil or Moisturizing Oil: Ever heard of oil pulling for your mouth? Well, oil cleansing for the face is similar and just as amazing for it! It’s all the rage in eastern countries now, and we are just catching up to it in America. Cleansing with oil not only draws and breaks up dirt and debris but also balances the oil production of the skin and soothes and repairs tired and worn-down skin. Making your own cleansing oil can be as easy as mixing coconut oil and a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. However, there are many other oils, herbs, and essential oils you can use to create just the formula your skin needs. If you want an oil to soak into your skin, then creating a moisturizing oil or serum is just as simple. Jojoba, sweet almond, and black seed oil are all amazing oils to use as bases for a fabulous homemade skin serum. 

Cleansing Oil Recipe: Mix one teaspoon of castor oil with three teaspoons of jojoba, olive, or sweet almond oil. Add five drops of one or two essential oils that are good for the skin. Lavender oil is great for calming/soothing. Tea tree is best for acne-prone skin. Frankincense is used for antiaging, fine lines, and scars. Carrot seed oil is excellent for smooth skin and to help with wrinkles. 

Moisturizing Oil Recipe: Mix two teaspoons of two of your favorite skin oils (olive, black seed oil, vitamin E oil, jojoba, sweet almond, argan oil, etc.). Add five drops of one or two of your favorite essential oils for the skin (lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, tea tree, myrrh, geranium, etc.).


  • When making an oil formula, try creating an infusion of herbs in the oil first and using that oil as the base (example: chamomile and lavender infused in olive oil for two weeks). Make sure to strain off the herbs before using the oil.

Face Masks: Face masks are one of the most enjoyable ways to experiment with using herbs topically. By using a base of one or two herbal powders, your favorite nourishing oil, and other additions such as clay, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, essential oils, oats or sea salt (an exfoliant), honey, or even blended fruits and/or vegetables. They also give you speedy results!

Face Mask Recipe: In a bowl, mix one teaspoon of kaolin or bentonite clay with one teaspoon of aloe vera powder, moringa powder, or any other herb high in antioxidants and healing to the skin. Add one teaspoon of nourishing oil (olive oil, black seed oil, sweet almond oil, etc.) and one teaspoon of another liquid such as lemon, apple cider vinegar, water, or tea. Mix in 5-10 drops of essential oils (lavender, peppermint, carrot seed, frankincense, geranium, sandalwood, rose, etc.).


  • Experiment with adding an exfoliant such as a pinch of sea salt, almond meal, or oats.

  • If the skin is prone to breakouts, try adding ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, silver gel, or silver liquid

  • If you want to try turmeric, start small as it can stain clothing and tends to make skin orange if too much is applied. 

Hair Masks: Similar to face masks, hair masks use very nourishing, soothing, nutrient-rich, and restorative herbs as well as oils and foods. You can even use clay to detox the scalp and hair from years of product use and toxins being absorbed through the skin.

Hair Mask Recipe: In a blender, mix one banana, two tablespoons of olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, or argan oil, and one teaspoon of holy basil powder. Add five drops of two to three essential oils (ginger, lavender, cedarwood, peppermint, rosemary, etc.). 


  • Add a teaspoon of honey to help moisturize hair.

  • Experiment with other herbs such as neem, marshmallow root, fenugreek, horsetail, rosemary, nettle, and even cinnamon

  • Don’t be afraid to mix up your moisturizer and try replacing the banana with avocado or using other oils such as castor oil or black seed oil. Just like with face masks, many liquids can be added to a hair mask. 

  • Lemon and apple cider vinegar are very purifying and add shine. 

Hair Rinses: So simple, yet so effective! Hair rinses have been used for thousands of years by many cultures to bring about long, luxurious, and beautiful hair. They can be as easy and straightforward as just using rice water, to recipes packed full of herbs, essential oils, apple cider vinegar, MSM, and even gelatin. This is one of my favorite ways to experiment with herbs while strengthening and nourishing my hair at the same time.

Hair Rinse Recipe: In a pot on the stove, place two tablespoons of cut nettle leaf and two tablespoons of cut horsetail leaf in four cups of water. Let simmer 10 minutes on the stove. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and five drops of three to four of your favorite essential oils that promote hair growth or strength (rosemary, ginger, peppermint, lavender, or cedarwood). If strengthening and building protein is your goal, then add ½ teaspoon of Great Lakes Gelatin to simmering water on the stove. Stir until the gelatin is dissolved. Allow the liquid to cool, strain, and rinse hair after washing up with the hair rinse. 


  • If it’s too gelatinous, increase the amount of tea and apple cider vinegar. 

  • Try this recipe with an added cup of rice water that has been left out 12-24 hours or try a rice water rinse by itself.

The list of ways to incorporate herbs into your daily skin or hair care routine goes on and on. Finding recipes for a homemade exfoliant, tooth whitening paste, eyelash lengthening serum, skin toner, hair serum, hot oil treatment, or even hair spray can easily be found online or in herbal skin care books. The world is your playground when it comes to making herbal skin and hair care products for yourself!

For more beauty recipes, check out our Natural DIY page.  

 If you don't have time to make your own, shop our natural personal care items at our online store.