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Sleep Better. Naturally.

We all have heard how important sleep is. It contributes to our mental clarity, immune system strength, emotional state, and balancing of our bodies’ stress responses. Not to mention it feels nice! Unfortunately, people have difficulty getting quality sleep, and as a result, we see it affecting us in our everyday lives. Sleep deprivation may present itself simply as daytime fatigue, but other symptoms include:

  • The inability to concentrate.

  • Memory issues.

  • Mood swings.

  • Even reduced physical strength.

Because sleep is essential to our bodies’ complex function, it’s vital to support it. However, it’s even more important to support it naturally to receive the life-long benefits. Knowing where to start the natural journey in a world filled with screens and prescriptions can be difficult. That’s why we have compiled a list of holistic sleep aids in various areas such as practical application, light supplementation, and relaxing therapies.  

Before Bed 

Eat a Small Snack Before Bed 

If you have difficulty sleeping due to blood sugar imbalances, it may be helpful to eat a little something light before bed. This could include a piece of fruit like a banana or a small protein shake in nut milk. 

Mother Earth Labs – Grass-fed Whey Protein Isolate (Vanilla Cream or Chocolate Fudge)

Mother Earth Labs – Veggie Fusion Protein (Vanilla Cream or Chocolate Fudge) 

Read a Book 

Reading is a great way to unwind from a hard day. Not only does it keep your eyes away from the stimulating blue light of electronic screens, but it also helps develop focus and memory function. 

Use Blue Light Blocking Glasses After Dark 

Speaking of blue light, it’s a good idea to block it out after the sun goes down. We have the most contact with it through cellphone, computers, and TV screens. When our eyes see blue light, it tricks our brains into thinking it’s still daytime out and that it’s not yet time to release melatonin, your body’s sleep hormone. This is why when we crawl into bed after finishing a movie, we can feel restless or energized instead of ready to doze. 

Hedron – Biotech Lite Blueblockers 

 Remove EMF and Electronics 

Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) are commonplace in our lives these days. EMFs are emitted by cellphones, computers, powerlines, and heating blankets, among many others. Though devices such as these can have varying levels of EMFs, limiting exposure, especially around bedtime, is still essential. Even having your cellphone plugged in next to your bed can disrupt your rest! Keeping anything electric to a minimum in your bedroom could support healthy sleep cycles for a more rested night. If you cannot remove some electronics, such as a cellphone, EMF harmonizers can assist in protecting against adverse EMF effects. 

Hedron Life Source – EMF Shield Cell Phone Protector 

Therasage – TheraProtect EMF Harmonizer (available as Wireless Network Shield and Cell Phone / Laptop / Tablet Shield [2 pack]) 

Turn Off WIFI 

WIFI can also disrupt our bodies’ rhythms, so if you aren’t using it, we recommend turning it off completely, or at the very least, turning it off during sleeping hours. If you use WIFI in your home frequently, another option is to use an ethernet cable for a hard-wire connection. 

Light Candles in the Evening 

Using bright white or bluish lightbulbs can distract your body from winding down in the evening, but candles are almost synonymous with relaxation. Pick your favorite style or scent and let it replace some harsh lighting around your home. It might be nice to have a candle-lit dinner now and then! If candles aren’t an option for your household, you can opt for amber or orange lightbulbs in a couple of lamps.  

GoodLight – assorted candle scents and sizes available.

Utilize an Eye Pillow 

Baudelaire Therapeutic Organic Cotton Eye Pillows – The calming scent of lavender buds paired with the weighted stimulation of flaxseeds is the perfect combination to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. 

Baudelaire – Therapeutic Organic Cotton Eye Pillow (Lavender Scented)

Spend Time in Prayer or Meditation 

We encourage a whole-body approach to health, including supporting your spirit. Prayer and meditation help ease the mind, relax the body, and build a connection with the Lord.  

During Sleep

Cool Bedroom Temperature 

Lower core temperatures prepare the body for sleeping, and higher core temperatures signal the body that it is time to wake up. Therefore, stabilizing body temperature can decrease insomnia-inducing temperature spikes. Ideally, this would mean setting your thermostat around 60-68°F. 

Play White Noise or Sounds of Nature While Falling Asleep 

Many people find listening to a consistent sound soothing while they drift off to sleep. Some prefer the drone of a fan or white noise, and others find nature-related sounds more relaxing. If you want to try this out, sound machines have a range of options available, so choose your favorite! Standard options include white noise, rain showers, babbling brooks, ocean waves, crickets, and a crackling fire. 

Weighted Blanket 

It has been reported that using a weighted blanket can create a sense of security by using deep pressure stimulation to lower heart rate and boost serotonin, thereby relieving some insomnia symptoms. Various weights are available so that you can choose the most comfortable. As weighted blankets have become more popular, it’s also easier to find an assortment of fabrics, sizes, and styles that suit you.

Grounding (Earthing) Bedsheets 

Have you ever walked barefoot on a beach and felt significantly relaxed afterward? This is because the connection with the earth’s negative (beneficial) charge helps remove positive (harmful) charge buildup from our bodies that we accumulate throughout the day. Grounding bedsheets will simulate this experience by grounding your body to the earth’s natural charge allowing more profound relaxation as you sleep! 

True Rife – Grounding Half Sheet 

Eliminate All Sources of Light 

Our bodies work continuously to restore themselves, even while we sleep. Light emitted from night lights, clocks, sleeping electronics, and outside lights can disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm, resulting in poor sleep quality. It may be helpful to purchase some blackout curtains or replace regular back-lit digital clocks with ones that require a button to illuminate the time. 

Practical Application

Have a Set Bedtime 

Rhythms and routines drive our bodies. Having a set bedtime allows for regulating the circadian rhythm, subsequently regulating healthy hormone balances. Going to bed and rising at roughly the same time every day helps your body understand when to release stimulating hormones for daytime alertness and relaxing hormones for deep sleep and restoration. For adults, it is recommended to go to bed no later than 10:00 pm. 

Get Enough Sleep 

Using all the sleep aids in the world is still not a replacement for simply getting enough sleep. Sometimes our bodies need a certain amount of time to rest adequately. We understand that busy lives can occasionally disrupt the number of hours we wish we could sleep; however, scheduling adequate sleep hours may need to become a priority to take your health to the next level. See below for sleep recommendations per 24 hours based on age: 

  • Preschool (ages 3-5): 10-13 hours 

  • School Age (ages 6-12): 9-12 hours 

  • Teen (ages 13-18): 8-10 hours  

  • Adults (ages 19+): 7-9 hours  

Magnesium Oil Foot Soaks & Magnesium Crystal Baths 

Magnesium is a vital mineral that promotes muscle and nervous system relaxation and proper function. Getting enough magnesium helps relieve muscle cramping, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia. For the foot soak, use 2 ounces of magnesium oil in warm water to cover your toes in a basin. Soak feet for 15- 20 minutes. For the bath, add 2-3 scoops (or approx. 1/4 to 1/2 cup) of magnesium crystals in a hot bath. Soak for 20-30 minutes. 

Health & Wisdom – Magnesium Oil

Health & Wisdom – Magnesium Bath Crystals

Spirit of Health – Bulk Magnesium Bath Crystals

Red Light & Near Infrared (NIR) Light Therapy 

Light plays a vital role in regulating our circadian rhythm. Red light and NIR light, which are most intense at sunrise and sunset, enhance mitochondrial function and signal the pineal gland to produce and store melatonin correctly and correctly. Red light therapy at the beginning and end of your day can help balance your body’s proper functions resulting in daytime energy and nighttime rest. 

Therasage – Thera Tri-Lite Panel 

Therasage – Thera360 PLUS Portable Sauna


Our bodies were meant to move! As counterintuitive as it sounds, getting active can help prepare your body for quality rest. Exercise can release excess energy while also relieving stress. Specific exercises can help in different areas, too. For example, cardio and aerobic exercise help tire the body and improve circulation by building heart and lung strength, while yoga promotes meditative focus and calming stretches. Additionally, exercising outside in natural sunlight can support a balanced circadian rhythm. 


While our mission is to help restore bodies to the way they are meant to function through natural healing, sometimes we still need a little boost in the right direction. This is where supplementation comes in.  

Available in our store we have products to aid sleep such as:

NB Pure – Power Down: Filled with natural ingredients like GABA, L-Theanine, L Dopa, Rhodiola, and Chamomile, Power Down helps your system prepare for quality sleep. 

Bach Original Flower Remedies – Bach Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts: This proprietary blend of herbs and flowers helps calm your mind so you can fall asleep naturally. 

Researched Nutritionals - Liposomal Glutathione: This powerful liver support can help maintain blood sugar levels through the night so you can stay asleep and wake up refreshed. (Must “Sign In” to view this product.)

Spirit of Health – Sleep Support Tea: Our tea contains potent herbs for sleep. A classification of herbs called nervines (nervous system and muscle relaxing) relax the body while nourishing and strengthening the nervous system. 

BioRay Kids – NDF Sleepy: Sometimes little ones need help falling asleep too! This herbal supplement can decrease the time it takes for your kiddo to fall asleep, relax their busy mind, and keep them sleeping through the night. Mix into water or your child’s favorite drink 20 minutes before bed.

These are only a few examples of melatonin-free supplements to support healthy sleeping habits. To explore more available products not listed here, visit us at our Grandview store location, online, or give our Retail Specialists a call today! 

Everyone is different and may have specific needs to support their sleep appropriately. It may take some time to understand what tips help you rest most effectively, but it’s worth the journey!