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Naturally Overcome Seasonal Allergies

It's that time of year again. The sun is out, the temperature is heating up, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and then it hits us... a runny nose, the itchy eyes, we can't sleep, it's hard to breathe, and the beautiful outdoors is something we dread instead of something we embrace. We don’t believe this is how God created our bodies to function. We started in a garden, so shouldn’t our bodies thrive outside in nature? Yes, they should! If this is you, we want to help you enjoy spring again. In this article, we talk about what causes seasonal allergies and natural ways to overcome them so, this spring, you won't be hiding inside but instead enjoying the creation God made for us.

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

  • Sneezing

  • Itchy eyes and nose

  • Dark circles under the eyes

  • Itchy, painful nose, throat, and roof of the mouth

  • Postnasal drip that causes coughing

  • Head and nasal congestion

  • Ear pressure or fullness

  • Fatigue

  • Red, itchy, watery eyes

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Wheezing or coughing

What is the Real Cause of Seasonal Allergies?

Allergies are simply “blocked filters.” This means your mucosal system (sinus, adenoids, tonsils, throat, lungs, etc.) is blocked up with mucus. If your filters are blocked, your body can’t eliminate allergens very quickly. The resulting irritation is what we call “allergies.” Unfortunately, most people never know why they have allergies, and so they continue to take pharmaceuticals to treat the symptoms each year. In order to stop having allergies, you must unclog your filters so they can do what they're designed to do. Only then will you permanently remove allergies!

The Dangers of Drug Therapies & Why They Don't Work

The drugs given for allergies work against God’s design of the body. God designed the body to expel waste and cleanse irritants, and one way we do that is through mucus. Man-made drugs often dry out mucus membranes, stop or dry up mucus, and push the sickness deeper back into the body. Steroids are one of the worst drugs on the market for this. It is not good to suppress your symptoms. Long term suppression of symptoms allows the sickness to progress and your health to decline. You need to embrace the symptoms, use natural remedies for comfort, and help your body unclog those blocked filters! If you use drugs, you only treat the symptoms and never fully get better. Unfortunately, you become reliant on these drugs long-term and never see the breakthrough.

5 Step Protocol for Seasonal Allergies

  1. Change your diet to eliminate foods that are known allergens for many people and those that create excess mucus in the body: all dairy, processed foods, fried foods, and sugar. Try to make your diet closer to 80% fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and greens. This will boost the immune system and fight infections naturally.

  2. Purify your air. Get an air purifier in your home that destroys odors and reduces harmful contaminants ordinary cleaning can leave behind. We use the Vollara Fresh Air Purifiers because it uses technology based on how nature keeps things safe and clean outdoors. The natural processes found in thunderstorms, sunlight, and lightning are re-created indoors. Negatively charged ions remove pollutants from the air. The latest technology duplicates nature to safely reduce contaminants on surfaces.

  3. Cleanse the body. We highly recommend everyone do a full body cleanse at least once a year, especially if you are having health concerns like allergies. Remember, your filters are clogged, so cleansing the body will help remove toxins and open up the filters so that they can remove allergens every day. Check out all of our Free Cleansing Guides & Programs.

    1. For seasonal allergies, you want to focus on the Kidney Cleanse and Lymphatic Cleanse especially because it increases blood flow.

    2. For maintenance, you can drink our Kidney Detox Tea or Lymphatic System Detox Tea from Spirit of Health.

    3. You may also want to do enemas frequently during allergy season (add coffee, lemon, sea salt, or baking soda) to assist the body in removing toxins.

  4. Essential Oils. Fill the air in your home with healing oils to keep you clear and alert. Try diffusing this essential oil blend in your home or mix it with a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil, and rub it on your chest.

  5. Supplements. Here are the best natural supplements for seasonal allergies. We know this list can be overwhelming, so we recommend that you pick 1-2 products to try at a time to see what works best for your system.

    1. Seasonal Allergy & Sinus Infection Relief

      1. Hello Blossom by Herbally Grounded

      2. SinuOrega by North American Herb and Spice

      3. Sinus & Brain Steam Detox by Spirit of Health

    2. Natural Antihistamine

      1. Loving Energy by BioRay (made for kids & works for adults)

      2. Aloe Vera

      3. Nettle Leaf Tea

      4. Ultimate Quercetin by Nature’s Vision

    3. Detoxing Allergens

      1. Liquid Clay or Bentonite Clay Powder. This will detox the body and absorb allergens. One teaspoon (liquid clay) in warm water before bed but can also increase up to 2oz daily on an empty stomach. Watch for constipation. Increase water and fiber and use herbs if necessary to prevent constipation.

      2. Aloe Gold Tablets. Aloe relieves inflammation and is great for boosting the immune system. Aloe is also a strong anti-microbial.

      3. MSM capsules by Now. MSM knocks out allergies by working to heal the liver and opening detoxification pathways in the body.

      4. Neprinol Enzymes by Arthur Andrew Medical. These clean up allergens from the bloodstream, both airborne and food allergies (protein molecules such as gluten and dairy). It also clears blockages from the body, including blocked arteries.

      5. Cleanses focused on particular areas of the body

      6. Kidney Detox Tea by Spirit of Health

      7. Lymphatic System Detox Tea by Spirit of Health

      8. Enema Kits