New Decade. New Design. Same Mission.

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Ten years ago, when I envisioned Spirit of Health, I knew that God was up to something big. God birthed a passion in me to understand health through His amazing design. I wanted this knowledge to be spread throughout the world in order to restore God back to His rightful place at the forefront of health and healing. This began my journey to make natural health education, tools, resources, and products more accessible to everyone. In everything we do at Spirit of Health, our goal is to live by our motto.

We Love God. We Love People. We Love Health.

From the products we sell, to the classes we teach, even down to the details of our logo, it's all for God's honor and to see people living their lives to the fullest. 

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Habbakuk 2:14

The logo we have used for the last decade was created by my very talented cousin when Spirit of Health was just a passionate dream in a notebook. It mirrored our mission and represented the company exceptionally well, making us a recognizable natural health store known to be based on God’s design.

In a world so reliant on man-made solutions, Spirit of Health has made its mark in the natural health community.

2020 Vision

When God gives you a dream, it’s hard to know where it might take you. In these past ten years, Spirit of Health has morphed and transitioned into something bigger than we ever imagined. Stepping into this next decade, Spirit of Health decided to embark on creating a new look and a new logo that will not only fit the current vision for Spirit of Health, but also the plans and goals we feel God has put on our hearts for the future.

We thought the process would be relatively easy, but summarizing our entire vision, dreams, and goals into one symbol or logo proved to be quite challenging. We brainstormed concepts that were all beautiful but didn’t fully resonate with the heartbeat of Spirit of Health.  

One day, after many hours of revisions and failed attempts to land a logo, Jen and I decided to set aside time to seek the Lord united in prayer. (Why we didn’t do this earlier would be a good question to ask). We knew we wanted the new logo to be Christ-centered and also have His heart for health and healing, but we didn’t know how to represent that visually. It wasn’t until after we came before Him in silence and really listened that we got our answer… The dandelion.

Of course! This is one of our favorite herbs; its healing power is incredible, and as we began to research more, we found that not only is it a beautiful aspect of creation, but it is a symbol of God’s character. 

The Meaning of the Dandelion

When Jen and I began to unpack the information we found about the dandelion, we realized there are many comparisons between this humble weed and our loving God.

Dandelion in French is “dent de lion” (tooth of the lion) which immediately makes us think of Christ, who is both the lion and the lamb. He is the humble, gentle servant who died for our sins and simultaneously the all-powerful, conquering King of the world.

The dandelion is accurately described as the unsung hero of the plant world. Herbalists throughout the world would argue that there are few herbs as vital and accessible as the dandelion for promoting everyday wellness.

 Five Symbolic Truths between the Dandelion & God

  1. The dandelion is everywhere. God is omnipresent. No matter how hard you try to eradicate the dandelion, it constantly finds ways to spring back up stronger than ever. People, communities, and even nations try to push Christ out, but He continually works His way back in as the only answer to the sickness of the human heart.

  2. The dandelion provides natural medicine. God is the Great Physician. Every part of the dandelion has health benefits from the flower, to the leaves, to the root. It is well known to bring health to digestion, the kidneys, liver, and the blood. Few herbs have more health benefits for every part of the human body than the dandelion, as no person who has ever walked this earth has more solutions to the needs of mankind than Jesus Christ.

  3. The dandelion is hated and fought against except by those who see its true beauty. The same is true with the Lord. Children eagerly delight in bringing beautiful dandelion flowers to their mothers and take joy in blowing dandelion seeds into the wind. Those who come to know the dandelion can quickly fall in love with its beauty and numerous benefits. Yet millions of dollars are spent trying to eradicate the dandelion as a noxious weed. Isn’t this true of the Lord? “He came to His own and His own did not receive Him.” John 1:11

  4. Dandelions provide health and life to the entire ecosystem. The Lord is the way, the truth, and the life. Rabbits, deer, and many animals eat dandelions for nourishment. Birds eat their seeds and the bees gather their nectar and pollen. Nutrients from the dandelion nourish and replenish the soil. Christ told His disciples,“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” John 6:35

  5. Dandelion seeds drop into the ground and come up multiplied, as does the Word of God. While the dandelion “dies” over the winter, it rises up each and every year and multiplies as a perennial flower. The Lord is eternal and His seeds of truth have been multiplying throughout the entire human race for over 2,000 years.


Health Benefits of the Dandelion 

God makes no mistakes. It’s not surprising that every part of the dandelion is edible and medicinal. We’re talking leaves, roots, stems, and the flower — more than that, these golden beauties are packed with nutritional power. The green leaves and roots are rich in beta-carotene, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and protein. 


  • Dandelion is a powerful liver and blood cleanser. It aids in proper bile flow, provides much needed iron for the liver and blood, and actively promotes and assists in liver detoxification.

  • Dandelion is a natural remedy for anemia.

  • Dandelion is naturally diuretic, helping to eliminate deposits and toxic substances from the kidneys and bladder. It also inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system because of its disinfectant properties.

  • Dandelion is great for the skin. Because it cleanses the kidneys, liver, and blood, dandelion will indirectly help clear the skin. As the detoxification organs work more efficiently, the skin will naturally clear up.

  • Dandelion helps promote insulin from the pancreas and balance blood sugars.

  • Dandelion leaf increases the nursing mother’s milk supply and bolsters its nutritional quality.

  • Dandelion flowers can be used as a moist mass for wounds. Also, the leaf can be made into a wash for fungal infections.

  • Dandelions are very versatile in their use. The flowers can be eaten, leaves can be juiced, and roots can be boiled. You can take dandelion as a tea, tincture, or in capsules. The plant can also be used fresh in the form of poultices, compresses, or made into a salve.

Who knew that an unassuming plant could have such power? God did, and that is why we are happy to have the dandelion as our new logo and the symbol of Spirit of Health. We are incredibly excited about our new logo for the same reason we appreciated our old one: it reflects our genuine desire to honor God and to tell others about His beautiful and healing creation.  

Now without further ado, Jen and I present to you our New Spirit of Health logo.

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