Prostate Health

For many years men have been told, by the medical community, that failure in their prostate is normal. I would challenge that statement by saying, “just because something is common does not make it normal.” Failure in the prostate is oftentimes due to cause and effect. Lifestyle choices can affect your health and prostate, regardless of your age. God did not design the body to fail.

What exactly is the prostate?

The prostate is a male reproductive organ that is the size of a walnut. Its main function is to create the fluid that carries sperm, known as semen. There are also muscles in the prostate gland that help project the semen to assist sperm in conception. The second main function of the prostate gland is that it takes testosterone and converts it to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is crucially important for puberty.

You can live without a prostate gland; however, it will affect your sexual function, testosterone conversion, and fertility.

Debunking prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer in men; one in six men will develop prostate cancer. Men rarely die of prostate cancer if left alone; they die of the treatment. Ninety-eight percent of men diagnosed with prostate cancer survive if left untreated. Typically, when men are diagnosed with prostate issues, the symptoms indicate that something is wrong in the urinary system: weakened pelvic floor control, incontinence, pain in the lower abdominals, recurrent bacterial infections, etc.

The PSA test that commonly checks for inflammation in the prostate is extremely unreliable, giving false positives up to eighty percent of the time. Many men that undergo treatment for prostate cancer succumb to impotence, incontinence, heart attacks, and death related to treatment from these tumors that never would have threatened their lives in the first place.

Cancer specialists are bracing themselves for the publication of a research study that will challenge the way one of the most common cancers is treated. The world’s biggest randomized prostate cancer trial has found that the standard surgical treatment for the disease is ineffective. The study compared surgical removal of the prostate gland – radical prostatectomy – with “watchful waiting” (doing nothing). The results show that surgery did not extend life. A leading British specialist, who asked not to be named, said: “The only rational response to these results is when presented with a patient with prostate cancer, to do nothing.” In up to fifty percent of cases, it is slow-growing so that patients affected, even when left untreated, can live for many years. The results of the Prostate Intervention Versus Observation Trial (PIVOT), led by Timothy Wilt and started in 1994 with 731 men, showed that those who underwent the operation had less than a three percent survival benefit compared with those who had no treatment, after being followed up for twelve years. The difference was not statistically significant and could have arisen by chance.

Prostate cancers are already classified as “tigers” (aggressive) or “pussy cats” (low risk). But some urologists who have spent years training to perform complex surgical techniques find the idea of watchful waiting unacceptable. Surgery carries a risk of side effects that can have a serious impact on quality of life, with fifty percent of men suffering impotence and ten percent incontinence.

Reasons the prostate fails or experiences inflammation:

  1. Diet- Diet is EVERYTHING for the prostate! Toxicity in the prostate comes from what is going on in our mouth. If our body becomes a toxic waste dump, cells get sick, and cancer is the result. Change your diet to one full of fresh greens, vegetables, and fruit with a smaller amount of nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes.

  2. Infections- Kidney infections, bladder infections, kidney stones, and bladder stones.

  3. Excessive Estrogen- Our society is inundated with xeno-estrogens (which switch male hormones to female hormones) that we pay no mind to. Xeno-estrogens can be found in plastic ware, Teflon cookware, water, pesticides, herbicides, cleaning products, beer, hormone-filled meat, dairy, laundry detergents, and sunscreens. When estrogen levels are too high in men, it can be highly damaging, particularly with the added synthetic elements—oftentimes leading to depression, erectile dysfunction, low libido, excessive fat accumulation, urinary tract diseases, and even benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Normal estrogen levels play an essential role in men’s health, including; sexual function, brain function, heart function, circulatory function, and more. The problem is when estrogen levels exceed testosterone levels. Estrogen is a “use it and lose it” hormone, meaning that if you do not open your detox pathways to “lose it,” it will recirculate in your system until it can make its exit. Today, many men are debilitated by the ways of our culture: extended hours spent working at a desk, packaged or fast foods, with little emphasis on physical exertion. 

By simply making a few lifestyle changes, we could significantly decrease the number of clinically related prostate issues. Opening the detoxification pathways, taking supplements that nourish the prostate, killing infections in the prostate, breaking up the day with movement to produce testosterone, and lowering stress levels are all things that will encourage prostate health.

How To Help Your Prostate

Open your detox pathways:

Take good prostate formulas:

Kill infections:

Change your lifestyle:

  • Eat whole foods

  • Sweat

  • Spend time in the sun

  • Lemon juice enemas

  • Move your body

  • Don’t drink beer

  • Cut out soy products

Ultimately, the best thing you can do for your prostate health is to not give in to fear or identify with a cancer diagnosis. God created the body so magnificently that cancer is even simply a protective mechanism to encourage healing. God did not design the body to fail at the age of 50. He created you to have strength, vigor, vitality, and health.